Card Of The Week 25

Tim @templeofstone - 07/01/2022

From Astrology Reading Cards - which we have available here

Apophyllite Pyrite Moonstone


Take a breath and pick the card or crystals which you are guided to


Planet - Card 1 - Saturn Apophyllite Tips - Available here

The planet Saturn represents that part of you that grows into wisdom , but first there are some tasks or lessons or maybe even fears to conquer.

Life can not always run as smoothly as we like, maybe your not advancing as fast as you wish.

Sometimes we have to slow down for a reason , like self care , self examination or more careful planning around a situation were you wouldn`t normally.

This card indicates the opportunity for personal growth which may bring doubt or sad feelings but to grow you sometimes need to bring out these feelings, release any anxiety and be at peace with the lessons ahead.

This wisdom is then transferred into the Cosmic Great Soul at the end of our lives.

House - Card 2 - The First House Raw Pyrite - Available here

In the case of the First House , this is the area of your life that is literally you, your life force and what you radiate as you walk into a room.

It is the way people see you or somebody’s first impression of you . Who the mirror shows you to be .

The energy field you naturally have around you at all times is also described by this card , your electromagnetic field or aura.

Focus on the energy you put out as it has a strong effect on how people react to you. Give out positive and receive positive.

If you are starting something new , such as a project or a relationship you may find that the Zodiac Sign and Planet Card are meant for you also.

Zodiac Sign - Card 3 - Capricorn Raw Moonstone - Available here

Convenient this card has come out again at this time . You are surrounded by Capricorn energy which is a hard working energy , a great gift if you are trying to complete a project or succeed in a task.

What ever the environment , you have a rock steady energy that will give you tremendous success in time whilst also being known for its shrewdness and wise caution.

Capricorn never loses , it cannot be beaten. It doesn’t matter if it takes years , Capricorn will triumph in the end, because this masterful sign exists for achievement and it doesn’t miss a single step until it is there.

If you are facing a scenario that requires authority , you will find you have got it or should be able to find the person that can give it.

Always well equipped like the mountain goat in the picture this energy brings to mind , if a jobs worth doing , its worth doing well.

Your hard work will bring the success your looking for.

Look for 44 number synchronicity for signs.

Take what resonates

Astrology Reading Cards By Alison Chester-Lambert - Available here

Keep an eye out for card of the week every Friday

Let me know your thoughts in the comments

Namaste xx


Card Of The Week 26


Card Of The Week 24